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G - Class in drawing.letters.alphabet
This is the object "G" which implements the Letter class.
G() - Constructor for class drawing.letters.alphabet.G
The constructor assigns the letter "G" to character.
getAddress() - Static method in class client.Config
Return the value in address.
getAlphabet() - Method in class drawing.letters.Alphabet
returns HashMap of the alphabet.
getArgs() - Method in class jade.JadeObject
getArgs returns the JadePair array that stores the arguments of the Jade object.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.A
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.B
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.C
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.D
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.E
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.F
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.G
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.H
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.I
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.J
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.K
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.L
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.M
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.N
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.O
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.P
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.Q
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.R
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.S
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.T
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.U
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.V
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.W
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.X
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.Y
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in class drawing.letters.alphabet.Z
This returns the character.
getChar() - Method in interface drawing.letters.Letter
Gets the character of the object.
getCharacter() - Method in class drawing.Tile
Returns the character.
getCheckSum() - Method in class client.Packet
Returns the check sum of this.
getColourProvider() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Returns the colour provider.
getColourSensor() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Returns the colour sensor.
getCurrentGuess() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns the currentGuess.
getData() - Method in class client.Packet
Returns the data of this.
getDirectory() - Method in class util.ReadFile
Gets the directory.
getExiting() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns whether or not the program is exiting.
getFileContents() - Method in class util.ReadFile
Returns the file contents.
getFirst() - Method in class jade.JadePair
Returns the value of the first variable.
getFirst() - Method in class jade.JadePrimitivePair
Gets the value in first.
getForwards() - Static method in class robot.Motors
Returns the forwards motor.
getGameWon() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns the whether the game has been won.
getGyroProvider() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Returns the gyro provider.
getGyroSensor() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Returns the gyro sensor.
getHorizontal() - Static method in class robot.Motors
Returns the horizontal motor.
getInstance() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Gets an instance of this object and returns it, if it is null it creates an instance of this object.
getInstance() - Static method in class client.Config
Gets an instance of the static Config object, if it is null then creates one.
getInstance() - Static method in class client.SingleClient
Returns the instance of this client and initialises it if it is null.
getInstance() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This gets the instance of Marker and returns it.
getInstance() - Static method in class robot.Motors
Gets an instance of Motors and returns it.
getInstance() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Gets an instance of Sensors and returns it.
getInstance() - Static method in class robot.StateHandler
Gets an instance of StateHandler and returns it.
getLatestPacket() - Method in class client.Client
Returns the latest packet from the server that is not null.
getLatestPacket() - Static method in class client.SingleClient
Returns the latest packet from the server.
getOffset() - Method in class drawing.Tile
Returns the offset
getPacket() - Method in class client.Client
Gets a packet from the server.
getPacket() - Static method in class client.SingleClient
Gets a packet from the server.
getPermanentTachoCount() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns the permenantTachoCount.
getPort() - Static method in class client.Config
Returns the value in port.
getRandomElement() - Method in class util.ReadFile
Gets a random element from the list.
getRandomWord() - Method in class util.ReadWord
Returns a random word from the list of contents.
getReciever() - Method in class client.Packet
Returns the reciever of this.
getSecond() - Method in class jade.JadePair
Returns the value of the second variable.
getSecond() - Method in class jade.JadePrimitivePair
Gets the value in second.
getSender() - Method in class client.Packet
Returns the sender of this.
getSmall() - Static method in class robot.Motors
Returns the small motor.
getStageArray() - Method in class drawing.hangman.Hangman
This returns the stageArray.
getStageNumber() - Method in interface drawing.hangman.Stage
Defines an abstract method for getting stage number.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.Arms
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.Body
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.BottomBar
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.Head
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.LeftBar
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.Legs
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getStageNumber() - Method in class drawing.hangman.stages.TopBar
This returns the stageNumber we are at.
getState() - Static method in class robot.StateHandler
Return the current state
getSymbol() - Method in class drawing.other.symbols.UnderScore
Returns the enum.
getTachoCount() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns the tacho count last put here.
getTiles() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns an array of tiles pertaining to the word.
getTouchProvider() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Returns the touch provider.
getTouchSensor() - Static method in class robot.Sensors
Returns the touch sensor.
getType() - Method in class client.Packet
Returns the type of this.
getVersion() - Method in class robot.Robot
Retruns the value of version.
getWordToGuess() - Static method in class behaviors.BehaviorData
Returns the wordToGuess.
go() - Method in class robot.Arbitrator
This method starts the arbitration of Behaviors and runs an endless loop.
Guessing - Class in behaviors
Waits for the user to guess, when the guess switches to drawing and draws either hangman or (a) character(s) based on the guess.
Guessing() - Constructor for class behaviors.Guessing
Guessing constructor assigns surpressed to false.
GUESSING - Enum constant in enum class robot.States
GyroBeeping - Class in behaviors
Checks whether or not the robot is out of alignment, if it doesbeeps at the user and exits.
GyroBeeping() - Constructor for class behaviors.GyroBeeping
Empty constructor for GyroBeeping behavior.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form