Package behaviors

package behaviors
  • Classes
    BackUp implements Behavior in order to back the robot up until it hits a black line.
    Checks whether the battery level is low, if it is exits the program.
    A singleton to store data that needs to be used at runtime by multiple behaviors.
    Connects to the Java server through the SingleClient.
    Draws either a piece of the hangman or (a) character(s) depending on the given guess.
    When a button is pressed causes the robot to emergency stop and exit the program.
    Underlying behavior in order to stop the arbitrator to exit when changing state, returns true unless within the exit state.
    Shows a finished screen once the game is over.
    Waits for the user to guess, when the guess switches to drawing and draws either hangman or (a) character(s) based on the guess.
    Checks whether or not the robot is out of alignment, if it doesbeeps at the user and exits.
    Creates the board for the user to play the game of hangman on.
    Shows a welcome screen for the user.