All Classes and Interfaces

This is the object "A" which implements the Letter class.
This manages the stages of the alphabet drawings by creating a hashmap of stages which are assigned to an object.
This is a variation of the standard lejos Arbitrator class (described in the next paragraph) that fixes a bug in the way Arbitrators instantiated with _returnWhenInactive=true behave.
The Arms object implements the the Stage class.
This is the object "B" which implements the Letter class.
BackUp implements Behavior in order to back the robot up until it hits a black line.
Checks whether the battery level is low, if it is exits the program.
A singleton to store data that needs to be used at runtime by multiple behaviors.
The Body object implements the the Stage class.
The BottomBar object implements the the Stage class.
This is the object "C" which implements the Letter class.
The client class handles all IO interactions with the server.
Stores configurations for connecting the client
The connect class establishes a connection, via a TCP Socket, to the server and initialises a client.
Connects to the Java server through the SingleClient.
This is the object "D" which implements the Letter class.
Draws either a piece of the hangman or (a) character(s) depending on the given guess.
This is the object "E" which implements the Letter class.
When a button is pressed causes the robot to emergency stop and exit the program.
Underlying behavior in order to stop the arbitrator to exit when changing state, returns true unless within the exit state.
This is the object "F" which implements the Letter class.
Shows a finished screen once the game is over.
This is the object "G" which implements the Letter class.
Waits for the user to guess, when the guess switches to drawing and draws either hangman or (a) character(s) based on the guess.
Checks whether or not the robot is out of alignment, if it doesbeeps at the user and exits.
This is the object "H" which implements the Letter class.
This manages the stages of the hangman drawings by creating an array of stages which are assigned to an object.
The Head object implements the the Stage class.
This is the object "I" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "J" which implements the Letter class.
The JadeConversionException occurs when trying to convert a JadeObect to another object.
The JadeDeserializer is used to convert the contents of a file or a string to a new JadeObject.
The JadeEmptyObjectException is used in the case of a method being used on an empty JadeObject.
The JadeEmptyPairException is used in the case of a method being used on an empty JadePair.
The JadeException is a generic exception that inherits from type exception.
The JadeObject class implements the object JadeObject which stores an array of JadePairs.
The JadePair acts like a tuple, it stores both a String value of first and second.
Stores a pair of primitives for Jade.
The JadeSerializer is used to convert an existing JadeObject to either a string or file.
The JadeValidationException occurs when trying to validate a JadeObject.
This is the object "K" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "L" which implements the Letter class.
The LeftBar object implements the the Stage class.
The Legs object implements the the Stage class.
Abstract interface for drawing a letter, this is implemented by all letter Objects.
This is the object "M" which implements the Letter class.
Main class
This is a singleton for the Pen object .
Stores the different motors used by the robot.
This is the object "N" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "O" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "P" which implements the Letter class.
The Packet class holds the Packet object which is used commonly within the Client in order to send and recieve data.
The PacketConversionException is used when trying to convert an object of type Packet to something else.
This is the object which manages the functionality of the pen.
This is the object "Q" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "R" which implements the Letter class.
ReadFile is used to read in a file from a given directory.
Extends the ReadFile to make getting a random word a bit more simple.
Starts the robot using the run method, which is called in main.
This is the object "S" which implements the Letter class.
Stores the sensors used by the robot.
The SingleClient acts as a singleton that interacts with a single instance of a Client object.
This is the interface for Stage obejcts.
Creates the board for the user to play the game of hangman on.
Stores the current state the robot and handles some of its behavior.
Enum used to store the different states of the robot.
Interface for drawing a Symbol to abstract the implementers.
Enum to store different Symbols
This is the object "T" which implements the Letter class.
Store a tile which makes drawing words easier
The TopBar object implements the the Stage class.
This is the object "U" which implements the Letter class.
This draws out underscores for the Hangman game and implements the symbol interface.
This is the object "V" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "W" which implements the Letter class.
Shows a welcome screen for the user.
Writes to a given file.
This is the object "X" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "Y" which implements the Letter class.
This is the object "Z" which implements the Letter class.