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M - Class in drawing.letters.alphabet
This is the object "M" which implements the Letter class.
M() - Constructor for class drawing.letters.alphabet.M
The constructor assigns the letter "M" to character.
main - package main
main(String[]) - Static method in class main.Main
Entry point of the program, runs the robot.
Main - Class in main
Main class
Main() - Constructor for class main.Main
Marker - Class in drawing
This is a singleton for the Pen object .
markerBackUp() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This method causes the robot to move backwards up until the colourSensor detects a black line past a certain TachoCount threshold.
markerBackwards() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This moves the robot backwards.
markerBeepGyro() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This checks if the angle of gyroSensor past a certain threshold.
markerClose() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
Closes all motors and sensors.
markerDiagonalLR(int, int) - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This uses a horizontal and forwards input in order to draw from Left to Right diagonally by synching the motors and moving them at the same time.
markerDiagonalRL(int, int) - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This uses a horizontal and forwards input in order to draw from Left to Right diagonally by synching the motors and moving them at the same time.
markerDown() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This puts the pen down by rotating it negatively.
markerGetTachoCount() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
Returns the tachoCount of the forwards motor
markerHorizontal(int) - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This moves the pen Horizontally by the forwards rate.
markerOpen() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
Method which gets the instances' of the Motor and Sensor singletons.
markerStop() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This stops the motor from moving forwards.
markerUp() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This puts the pen up by rotating it positively.
markerVertical(int) - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This moves the pen vertically by the horizontal rate.
Motors - Class in robot
Stores the different motors used by the robot.
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