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C - Class in drawing.letters.alphabet
This is the object "C" which implements the Letter class.
C() - Constructor for class drawing.letters.alphabet.C
The constructor assigns the letter "C" to character.
calibrate() - Static method in class drawing.Marker
This uses the touchSensor to calibrate the pen on its Vertical axis as well putting the pen back up.This is done by moving the motor until it touches the sensor.
calibrate() - Method in class drawing.Pen
This uses the touchSensor to calibrate the pen on its Vertical axis as well putting the pen back up.This is done by moving the motor until it touchs the sensor.
checkContentsEmpty() - Method in class util.ReadFile
Checks if the list of contents is empty.
checkFileExists() - Method in class util.ReadFile
Checks if a file exists.
checkPacket() - Method in class client.Packet
Returns true if the packet has a valid checkSum for its contents.
client - package client
Client - Class in client
The client class handles all IO interactions with the server.
Client(Socket, String) - Constructor for class client.Client
The Client constructor takes in the below parameters and then initializes the buffered reader and writer.The JadeSerializer and JadeDeserializer are also initiliazed here.
clientConnected() - Static method in class client.SingleClient
Returns whether or not the client is currently connected.
close() - Method in class client.Client
Close the socket as well as the reader and writers interacting with it.Then prints the stack trace.
close() - Method in class drawing.Pen
Closes all motors and sensors
Config - Class in client
Stores configurations for connecting the client
connect() - Method in class client.Client
Attempts to connect to the server.
Connect - Class in client
The connect class establishes a connection, via a TCP Socket, to the server and initialises a client.
Connect(String, String, int) - Constructor for class client.Connect
The constructor of the Connect object takes in 3 parameters and assigns them.
Connecting - Class in behaviors
Connects to the Java server through the SingleClient.
Connecting() - Constructor for class behaviors.Connecting
Tries to initialize the client.
CONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class robot.States
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