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A - Class in drawing.letters.alphabet
This is the object "A" which implements the Letter class.
A() - Constructor for class drawing.letters.alphabet.A
The constructor assigns the letter "A" to character.
action() - Method in class behaviors.BackUp
Implements the action method of behavior.Using a sample provider it checks the light level of the sensor to see when near the marker line.
action() - Method in class behaviors.BatteryLevel
Action displays on the screen that the battery is low waits and then exits the program.
action() - Method in class behaviors.Connecting
Whilst the client is not connected tries to connect.This can also throw an exception further up the call stack if the server does not exist.
action() - Method in class behaviors.Drawing
Sends a state packet to the server and then gets the current guess.With the current guess it then draws either a piece of hangman or the character based on the correctness of it.
action() - Method in class behaviors.EmergencyStop
Sets the state for exit and sends a packet to the client if its connected saying it is exiting.The exit state does not return true any behavior resulting in it terminating the arbitrator.
action() - Method in class behaviors.Exit
Action does nothing in Exit.
action() - Method in class behaviors.Finished
Actions sends a state packet to the server so that the client knows the game is over.Also gets whether the was won and its output screen varies on whether or not the user won.
action() - Method in class behaviors.Guessing
Action method makes sure surpessed is false before starting and then sends a state packet to the server.
action() - Method in class behaviors.GyroBeeping
Beeps at the user, displays robot is not aligned on the screen and then should exit the program.
action() - Method in class behaviors.StartUp
Calculates the distance for drawing the underscores and where the hangman box will go.
action() - Method in class behaviors.Welcome
On the LCD screen creates a welcome screen and waits until the button is pressed and released.Once this happens clears the screen and sets the state to BACK_UP.
Alphabet - Class in drawing.letters
This manages the stages of the alphabet drawings by creating a hashmap of stages which are assigned to an object.
Alphabet() - Constructor for class drawing.letters.Alphabet
Constructor to make alphabet.
Arbitrator - Class in robot
This is a variation of the standard lejos Arbitrator class (described in the next paragraph) that fixes a bug in the way Arbitrators instantiated with _returnWhenInactive=true behave.
Arbitrator(Behavior[]) - Constructor for class robot.Arbitrator
Same as Arbitrator(behaviorList, false) Arbitrator start() never exits
Arbitrator(Behavior[], boolean) - Constructor for class robot.Arbitrator
Allocates an Arbitrator object and initializes it with an array of Behavior objects.
Arms - Class in drawing.hangman.stages
The Arms object implements the the Stage class.
Arms() - Constructor for class drawing.hangman.stages.Arms
Constructor to intialise the stageNumber.
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