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P - Class in drawing.letters.alphabet
This is the object "P" which implements the Letter class.
P() - Constructor for class drawing.letters.alphabet.P
The constructor assigns the letter "P" to character.
Packet - Class in client
The Packet class holds the Packet object which is used commonly within the Client in order to send and recieve data.
Packet() - Constructor for class client.Packet
Null packet constructor
Packet(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class client.Packet
Constructor of a packet with no checkSum.checkSum is initialized to 1.
Packet(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class client.Packet
Constructor of a full packet.
PacketConversionException - Exception Class in client
The PacketConversionException is used when trying to convert an object of type Packet to something else.
PacketConversionException() - Constructor for exception class client.PacketConversionException
Simple PacketConversionException where it is initialises its superclass with a generic message.
PacketConversionException(String) - Constructor for exception class client.PacketConversionException
Simple PacketConversionException where it is initialises its superclass with a specialised message.
Pen - Class in drawing
This is the object which manages the functionality of the pen.
Pen() - Constructor for class drawing.Pen
Constructor which opens the Motor and Sensor singletons as well as setting the speeds of motors and initialising the boolean 'isPenUp'.
penBackwards() - Method in class drawing.Pen
This moves the robot backwards.
penDiagonalLR(int, int) - Method in class drawing.Pen
This uses a horizontal and forwards input inorder to draw from Left to Right diagonally by synching the motors and moving them at the same time.
penDiagonalRL(int, int) - Method in class drawing.Pen
This uses a horizontal and forwards input inorder to draw from Right to Left diagonally by synching the motors and moving them at the same time.
penDown() - Method in class drawing.Pen
This puts the pen down by rotating it negitvely.
penHorizontal(int) - Method in class drawing.Pen
This moves the pen Horizontally by the forwards rate.
penStop() - Method in class drawing.Pen
This stops the motor from moving forwards.
penUp() - Method in class drawing.Pen
This puts the pen up by rotating it positvely .
penVertical(int) - Method in class drawing.Pen
This moves the pen vertically by the horizontal rate.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form