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sendMessage(String) - Method in class server.ClientHandler
The sendMessage method sends a message to everyone but the client that sent it This is for more common "chatroom" like interactions.
sendMessage(String, String) - Method in class server.ClientHandler
This overloaded version of sendMessage allows a specific user to be targeted.
server - package server
Server - Class in server
The Server class is used to start a TCP Server as well as initialize the ClientHandler.
Server(int) - Constructor for class server.Server
Constructor of the server, creates a new instance of a ServerSocket object with the given port.
Server(ServerSocket) - Constructor for class server.Server
Constructor of the server, simply assigns class serverSocket to the passed serverSocket.
ServerRunner - Class in server
Starts the server.
ServerRunner() - Constructor for class server.ServerRunner
setClientUsername(String) - Method in class server.ClientHandler
Sets the client username.
startServer() - Method in class server.Server
The startServer method starts the server and initializes the clientHandler with the socket.
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